최영   Yeong Die
Record (Full Length), 2018

Track List
1. Lonely and Comfortable 04:06
2. Indoor Swimming 05:50
3. Woo 04:50
4. Daughter of the World Snake 05:12
5. Digital Weeding for Fellowship 04:48
6. Meditation for Satan 03:44
7. Horror Green 03:33
8. 12 Jokes Useful When Boarding an Airplane 01:20
9. Room to Cry 02:28
10. Exercise for Grow 05:44
11. Sleep Preparation 03:28
12. Dawny 01:32
13. Lonely and Comfortable (Bonus Track, 1972) 04:04

MP3 + WAV version includes
13 MP3 files (320 kbps)
13 WAV files (32 bit / 44.1 khz)

One summer, It was made using GarageBand, and Casio cdp-100.

Released on February 1, 2018

Artwork is Fig. 160. “The appearance of blood vessels in the ears of a white rabbit.” Experimental pharmacology. 1917.